The war we don’t see: metals and deformities

The war we don’t see: metals and deformities

Marwa and Hameed have only one child who is still alive. In 2012, a little girl died in Marwa’s life – with a deformed head, without a brain. In 2013, Leyla was born, but she died half an hour after birth – without kidneys, with deformed arms. The neighbours, Nadia and Mohammad, had three children, but all three died shortly after birth. The fourth child was born in 2011, dead and deformed. We are in Fallujah, an old city with 300,000 inhabitants. Fallujah – the Mother of Mosques – was the base of the Iraqi resistance, and was slaughtered by the US Army in 2004. Twice, in April and in November, everything alive in Fallujah was the target of killers on rooftops and in cockpits. Two years later, more and more mothers in the city started to have abortions, and more and more children were born deformed. Just like in Basra in the South: the bombing of Basra began in the Gulf War in 1990 and continued for twenty years. In 1995, more abortions and malformations was observed. In 2013, the number tripled. As in Nangarhar, the province that took the most bombs during America’s revenge war against Afghanistan after the 11 September attack. In 2005, I (HH) was invited by colleagues at the provincial hospital in Jalalabad to study birth defects they had never seen before.

Is there a pattern here? Let’s look at Gaza: In Christmas 2008, Gaza was bombed day and night for three weeks. Local wars are opportune laboratories for testing “improved weapons”, and two months earlier Israel had received batches of new American high explosives. In the tissue samples from the wounds of the survivors of the Christmas War, our research team found aluminium, copper, mercury, barium, vanadium, nickel, manganese and cadmium – all metals in higher concentrations than in uninjured control subjects. In 2011, we analyzed hair samples from newborns with birth defects at Shifa hospital. The concentration of mercury and selenium was significantly higher in the deformed babies than in healthy controls. In hair samples from pregnant Gazan mothers after the 2014 war, we observed the same pattern. From 2006 to 2017, the frequency of congenital structural malformations has increased from 1.1 to 1.9% and preterm births from 1.1 to 7.9%. About 40% of these children will die during the first month of life. But it’s worse: Malformations of the heart are not included – add two percent. Diseases and system errors making their clinical debut later in life such as cancer, immune defects and behavioral disorders are not included – add at least five percent.

Epigenetics and metals

Our body is in constant change. From the time I attach myself to the wall of the warm womb until I die, I form new cells and discharge cells that are damaged or expired. New cells are created on the basis of the gene recipes stored in the previous generation. This is the river of life. It can be damaged in two ways. Either genetically – by messing with the recipe, the DNA molecule in the cell nucleus. Or epigenetically – by messing up the expression, transmission and understanding of the recipes, of the gene signals. Because cells are talking to each other, and they use estrogen channels for communication, both in girls and boys. A number of metals can interfere with the recipient cells’ estrogen receptors, thus creating incorrect signals into the cell nucleus. These false messengers – “metal estrogens” – do not work along a simple dose-response line, the more-brandy-the-more-drunk. Minimal quantities are enough to confuse the signaling system and thereby cell division, and the effects of the heavy metal cocktail are totally unpredictable. In the first weeks of life in the mother’s womb, while we are just a cluster of a few hundred stem cells, while the organs – and especially the nervous tissue – are in the making, a single reading error may trigger disaster.

Let’s trace the path to these metals: Thermobaric projectiles are used against apartment buildings and shelters/tunnels. Thermo(heat)-bar(pressure) explosives work by spreading a cloud of highly explosive gases which are then ignited in an ultra-fast explosion. No conventional explosive weapon creates equivalent heat and pressure. The latest generation thermobaric projectile uses aluminum dust as explosive gas. Microparticles of aluminum – 5 hundredths of a millimeter in size – with a coating of heavy metal are ignited and spread over the impact field. Colleague Ghassan Abusitta at Shifa hospital reported three weeks ago more and more burn patients, then the thermobaric weapon are in use.

The explosive dust spreads everywhere. The pulverization of buildings spreads the metals to the entire population. Mum breathes, drinks and eats – and is slowly poisoned. The metals pass from the mother’s blood, across the placental barrier and into the fetus’s blood, where they also cross the blood-brain barrier. Mother dilutes her own toxic reserves while poisoning her young. All the metals we found in the tissue samples in Gaza have documented epigenetic effects. If this is not chemical warfare, the authors of this chronicle have misunderstood the term.

The hardest thing to think about

Cells talk to each other, but they have memory as well: Nano-doses of heavy metals leave epigenetic traces in the fetal germ cells. These traces lie dormant, are activated during adolescence, and can then be passed on to grandchildren’s children.

What kind of future are we looking into?

Hans Husum is a surgeon with a doctorate in war surgery.

Paola Manduca is professor of genetics at the University of Genoa.

President NWRG-odv 

“Klassekampen”, December 1, 2023

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Why were West’s doctors outraged about Ukraine but silent about Gaza?

Palestinian doctors rally in support of Gaza, in Hebron’s city center in the occupied West Bank, 15 November 2023. (Mamoun Wazwaz / APA Images)

In the medical world, the oath to value life and to do no harm resounds universally. Yet a concerning discrepancy emerges when examining the Western medical community’s recent response to the massive atrocities committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza.

Many medical professionals and institutions remained and continue to remain silent regarding the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Unlike their outspokenness on the Ukrainian crisis, several medical professionals have no comment when it comes to Israel’s attacks on hospitals, doctors and civilians in Gaza.

This silence extends beyond neutrality. At this point, it seems to be an endorsement of Israel’s massacres on the people of Gaza.

Since 7 October, Israel has killed 254 healthcare workers. The World Health Organization recorded 181 attacks on the health system in Gaza, including 23 damaged hospitals.

Professionals in various fields who have advocated for a ceasefire and denounced the mass killings have faced a range of repercussions. They are often labeled anti-Semitic or they face professional consequences.

Yet those who remain silent or cheer on the genocide are deemed “professional.”

Shockingly, around 1,000 Israeli doctors openly called for Israel to target hospitals in Gaza. This would entail the murder of injured Palestinian civilians and healthcare workers.

How is it that doctors are taking on such an active role in genocide and colonization?

How do these doctors, who witness firsthand the daily suffering of patients, refuse to open their eyes and speak out against genocide?

Hatred of Palestinians

The hateful language coming from doctors is astounding.

A specialist in the UCLA healthcare system openly supported the killing and collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza, whom he called “inbred.”

Such dehumanizing comments would raise serious doubts about any individual’s ability to provide unbiased care, and it calls into question a doctor’s fundamental capacity to treat fellow humans with dignity.

Others, meanwhile, have justified the killing of Palestinian doctors who choose to stay with their patients in the face of danger.

One individual who identifies himself as an orthopedic surgeon on X (formerly Twitter) rationalized the murder of nephrologist Dr. Hammam al-Louh by stating that he was instructed to evacuate: “He was told to evacuate. No other army on the planet warns noncombatants like Israel does.”

This skewed perspective concerning the ethical obligations of medical professionals in times of conflict is highly concerning.

Medical journals ignore Israeli atrocities

Such commentary justifying Israeli attacks on hospitals and residential homes might be expected on social media. But it also appears in respected medical journals, like JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association.

A November 2023 article in the journal asked the question: “Even if it might be legal, is it morally justified to strike a medical facility based on intelligence that enemy fighters might be hiding inside along with injured children?”

The authors answered that medical professionals have “differing opinions” on questions like this.

That same month, BMJ Global Health published an editorial titled “Violence in Palestine demands immediate resolution of its settler colonial root causes,” which advocated for a ceasefire.

The letters to the editor that followed accused the journal of bias and asked for the article to be removed or amended.

The article only aimed to spotlight the severe toll of the conflict on Palestinian lives – an aim that aligns with the journal’s responsibility to underpin health inequities in Gaza as it did in similar wars.

The Lancet did not publish an October 2023 letter signed by 3,000 global healthcare professionals urging a ceasefire in Gaza for humanitarian reasons. However, the journal did publish a call endorsed by over 1,500 Israeli health professionals demanding the immediate release of Israeli captives.

How to resolve such unequal treatment? It raises serious questions about the journal’s priorities in promoting peace and addressing humanitarian crises.

Moreover, The Lancet announced the convening of a “commission on medicine, Nazism and the Holocaust” to examine “the important role that health professionals played in formulating, supporting, and implementing inhumane and often genocidal policies.”

If only the journal were to examine its own role in the promotion of the Israeli genocide against Palestinians.

Outpouring of compassion for Ukraine, silence on Palestine

The disparity in the reaction to Palestinian deaths and Israeli deaths becomes even more evident when we look at how medical organizations have behaved over the past two months.

When contacted by a trauma surgeon to speak out against the bombing of health facilities in Gaza, the American College of Surgeons (ACS), responded: “The ACS does not issue statements about specific conflicts or actions.”

However, with regard to Ukraine, the ACS addressed the “injury and death on a large scale” there and stated that “several ACS members traveled to Ukraine, offering patient care for the injured.”

Adhering to the same double standards, the American Medical Association (AMA) shut down a resolution that called for a “ceasefire in Israel and Palestine in order to protect civilian lives and healthcare personnel.”

On 9 November, the AMA issued the following statement: “It is critical that medical neutrality is observed because physicians and healthcare professionals must have the ability to carry out their work and administer urgent care to those in need.”

This may be the AMA’s stance when it comes to Palestine, but the association is anything but neutral when it comes to Ukraine.

“The AMA is outraged by the senseless injury and death the Russian army has inflicted on the Ukraine people,” said Gerald E. Harmon, then the president of the AMA, in March 2022. “For those who survive these unprovoked attacks, the physical, emotional and psychological health of Ukrainians will be felt for years.”

Organizations like the World Health Organization and the Red Cross did not respond to the pleas of help from Palestinians who were seeking to evacuate.

Such organizations were created to operate on battlefields, but when Palestinians need them, where are they?

When an Israeli airstrike killed Dima Abdullatif Mohammed, a 29-year-old WHO employee, and her husband and 6-month-old son, the WHO posted an oblique message that Dima “died today when her parents’ house in southern Gaza … was bombed.”

Why does the WHO refuse to name Israel as the aggressor in an attack that killed one of their employees? Instead, they lament the “loss” of doctors and civilians without specifically stating who is responsible for such “loss.”

These double standards are disheartening and raise questions about the commitment of such organizations to justice.

Medical professionals, journals and organizations need to reevaluate their ethical standards and assess how to adopt a more equitable and compassionate approach toward conflicts against vulnerable populations.

*Sewar Elejla was formerly a doctor at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. She is now a Canada-based researcher.

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presentata/submitted tu BMJ on 1/12/2023

Caro editore,
hai giustamente illustrato che gli organismi delle Nazioni Unite hanno chiesto la 
cessazione totale delle operazioni militari su Gaza, hanno fatto appello alla Corte penale 
in vista di una carneficina di donne e bambini (il 70% delle oltre 15.000 vittime) 
come mai prima nel secolo e che ha preso di mira le infrastrutture e il personale medico
Dopo una pausa, tutto questo ricomincia.

Le richieste di protezione del personale sanitario da parte dei professionisti medici non hanno 
trovato eco nell’Associazione medica israeliana, nelle associazioni mediche nazionali 
e nella World Medical Association; 
sono rimasti in silenzio, nonostante la chiara presa di mira dei servizi sanitari. 
Hanno ignorato il sacrificio di vite umane (più di 160 vittime) delle équipe mediche e non 
hanno espresso solidarietà né sostegno per la loro abnegazione in una situazione disastrosa.
I dilemmi etici dei professionisti di Gaza, privi di mezzi per una adeguata anestesia  per 
alleviare il dolore e per ridurre le infezioni post trauma, dovrebbero interrogare i professionisti 
medici e costituire la base per richiedere protezione e rendicontazione. 
Altre centinaia di bambini e adulti hanno perso la vita negli ospedali, 
aggiungendosi a quelli uccisi dalle armi.

Non è stato dimostrato che Al Shifa fosse la sede del comando centrale di Hamas, 
e comunque come ciò implica attacchi a tutte le (29/35) strutture sanitarie nel nord di Gaza?
Dall'8 ottobre, tutti sono stati strangolati tagliando acqua, elettricità, carburante, cibo 
e tutte le forniture mediche, minacciati se non venivano chiusi, 
poi colpiti direttamente e il personale arrestato o sfollato con la forza fuori dalla struttura.

Riassumendo i principali eventi: 17 ottobre bombardato il cortile dell'ospedale Alhi; 
Amici turchi per cancro, gli ospedali Eyes, Wada, Pediatric Nasser e Rantissi colpiti e costretti 
a chiudere, l'ultimo con sfollamento forzato del personale e delle famiglie, 
mentre i bambini non trasportabili sono stati lasciati incustoditi; 
l'ospedale di Awda e l'ospedale di Aqsa ripetutamente danneggiati dai colpi, con numerose 
vittime; L'ospedale indonesiano e quello di Shifa hanno entrambi colpiti più volte
distruggendo intere sezioni, uccidendo infermieri e altre persone.
Colpiti direttamente macchinari essenziali, sale operatorie, generatori di ossigeno, 
pannelli solari e unità di terapia intensiva; 
il personale veniva tenuto prigioniero mentre i corpi dei morti si accumulavano nei loro locali, 
quando l'ospedale era diventato rifugio per migliaia di sfollati.

Nonostante l’abnegazione del personale, nel nord di Gaza non rimangono strutture mediche 
e maternità pienamente funzionanti. 52 su 75 ambulatori di assistenza primaria e 
servizi di dialisi e malattie non trasmissibili per adulti sono costretti a chiudere. 
Le facoltà di medicina e di scienze a Gaza sono state distrutte. 
Più di 100 membri del personale dell'UNWRA sono stati uccisi. 
Sono state dismesse più di 50 ambulanze.
Quel che è peggio, non è una cosa del tutto nuova o inaspettata: dal 2014 l’IDF ha attaccato 
ospedali e strutture educative, compromettendo la sopravvivenza e il futuro di tutti. 
Durante i 17 anni di assedio di Gaza, i servizi sanitari sono stati costantemente compromessi 
attraverso la negazione di strumenti e forniture, la limitazione dei permessi di formazione e 
di accesso per i professionisti stranieri, come documentato dalle Nazioni Unite 
e dalle principali ONG (1). Dal 2021 questo divieto è stato il più severo e la crisi economica 
dovuta al blocco ha provocato una diminuzione del numero degli studenti universitari 
di medicina e scienze.
Il cessate il fuoco temporaneo ha mostrato l'immensa devastazione anche degli ospedali, 
resa ancora più triste perché gli attacchi agli ospedali sono stati raccomandati 
anche da 100 medici israeliani (2) in violazione di qualsiasi diritto ed etica internazionale.

Non dovrebbero tutti i professionisti e le loro associazioni chiedere finalmente in coro
 un cessate il fuoco totale, incondizionato e duraturo, condannare la distruzione delle 
strutture sanitarie che moltiplica le morti, riconoscere l’abnegazione dei colleghi di Gaza, 
affermare che è stato commesso un crimine di guerra e lamentare anche la forzata 
dispersione del lavoro accumulato, dell'esperienza e della manodopera investita nel sistema 
sanitario di Gaza che difficilmente può essere ricostruito in breve tempo? 
non dovrebbero forse sostenere il diritto umano inalienabile alla cura del popolo di Gaza? 
non dovrebbero forse aiutarli impegnandosi con forza ad andare oltre la 
carità temporanea e a sostenere risoluzioni stabili?

Dear  Editor, 

you aptly illustrated that UN bodies asked for full stop of the military operations on Gaza, appealed to the ICC, in view of a carnage of women and children (70% of the 15.000 plus victims) as never before in the century and targeting of health infrastructures and personnel. 

After a pause, this is just starting again.

Calls to protect health personnel by medical professionals, were not echoed by the Israeli Medical Association, national medical associations, and the World Medical Association; they remained silent, regardless of clear targeting of health services. They ignored the sacrifice in lives (plus 160 victims) of medical teams and expressed no solidarity and support for their abnegation in the dire situation. 

The ethical dilemmas of Gaza professionals lacking means for proper anesthesia, pain relief and for reducing post trauma infections, should interrogate medical professionals and be ground for requesting protection and accounting. Hundreds more children’s and adult’s lives were lost in hospitals, adding to those killed by the weapons. 

It was not proven that Al Shifa was the location of central command of Hamas, and anyhow how this implies attacks on all (29/35) health facilities in the North of Gaza? 

Since October 8, all were strangled by cutting water, electricity, fuel, food and all medical supplies, menaced if did not close, then directly hit and personnel arrested or displaced forcibly out of the facility. 

Summarizing major events: October  17 Alhi hospital courtyard bombed; Turkish friendship cancer, Eyes, Wada, Pediatric Nasser and Rantissi hospitals hit and forced to close, the last with forcible displacement of the personnel and families, while not transportable babies were left unattended; Awda hospital and the Aqsa hospital repeatedly damaged by hits, whit many victims; Indonesia hospital and Shifa -both hit many times destroying whole sections, killing attending nurses and others. Essential machinery, surgical theaters, oxygen generator, solar panels, and ICUs directly hit; personnel kept captive while bodies of the dead accumulated in their premises, when hospital had become shelter for thousands of displaced people. 

Regardless of abnegation of personnel, no fully functional medical facilities and maternities remain in the North of Gaza. 52 out of 75 primary care clinics and adult not communicable disease and dialysis services forced to close. The medical and science faculties in Gaza were destroyed.  More than 100 UNWRA personnel was killed. More than 50 ambulances taken off use.

Worse, this is not totally new or unexpected: since 2014 IDF attacked hospitals and education structures, impairing survival and future for all. During the 17 years siege of Gaza, health services were constantly impaired through denial of instruments and supplies, restricting permits for training and of access for foreign professionals, as documented by UN, major NGOs (1). Since 2021 this ban was the tightest, and the economic crisis due to the blockade induced decrease in the number of university medicine and science students.

The temporary ceasefire showed the immense devastation also of hospitals, made more sad because attacks on hospital was recommended also by 100 Israeli doctors (2) in contravention with any international law and ethics.

Should not all professionals and their associations, finally chorally ask a full unconditional and long lasting ceasefire, condemn the destruction of health structure which multiplies deaths, recognize the abnegation of the Gaza colleagues, appreciate that a war crime has been committed and lament also the forced dispersal of accumulated work, experience and labor invested in the Gaza’s health system which can hardly be reconstructed in short time? should they not uphold the inalienable human right of care for the people of Gaza? should they not help by standing strongly to go beyond temporary charity and advocate for stable resolutions?

Paola Manduca, Geneticist, retired Associate Professor University of Genoa, Italy 







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“Soldati”, testo “Come d’autunno sugli alberi le foglie” di Ungaretti

title Soldiers,

text:” As in autumn the leaves on the trees” by Ungaretti an Italian poet

this poem of teen age memory  kept running in my head this morning listening to the news from IDF that put Gaza, again under fire.

Apparently, Israeli refused to take back the hostages elderly people and the corpses of the mother and two young children that died in captivity and the live husband -father of them. One MUST wander why. May it be because the corpses of the young family who had become a symbol of hostages to be freed would show they were hit by the IDF attacks on Gaza? and the father may deplore and recall the accident publicly? I do not know, but it is for questioning.

So, rather that accepting them, Israeli started again bombing and already at 4pm more than 100 victims and claimed 200 Hamas positions hit, and surely a whole line of civilian  housing in Kan Younes. The only Hospital of capacity in Kan younes cannot receive all the causalities, already.

The UN children’s agency UNICEF condemns the resumption of fighting in Gaza, saying: “Today, those in power have decided that the killing of children would recommence.”

The United Nations human rights chief says the resumption of hostilities between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip is “catastrophic,” with the situation now “beyond crisis point.” “I urge all parties and states with influence over them to redouble efforts, immediately, to ensure a ceasefire — on humanitarian and human rights grounds,” Volker Turk says in a statement.

Paola Manduca NWRG

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Daily and cumulative report of the martyrs and in the Gaza Strip – wounded


State of Pales+ne
Ministry of Health
Health Emergency Opera+ons Center Center

State of Palestine

Ministry of Health Public Health Emergency Operation

Daily and cumulative report of the martyrs and in the Gaza Strip – wounded


the daily report :First



of martyrs and their distribution by type and gender


Classification by category

Classification by gender

Martyrs for a day

the hospital

childre n

wome n


Female s





Kamal Adwan









Aqsa-Al martyrs
















Al Najjar







. Numbers of wounded and their distribution



Classification according to severity

Classification by category

Classification by gender

My day is wound ed

the hospital


Mediu m

Seriou s

childr en

wom en


Femal es





Kamal Adwan



State of Pales+ne
Ministry of Health
Health Emergency Opera+ons Center Center

State of Palestine

Ministry of Health Public Health Emergency Operation












Aqsa-Al martyrs






























al Najjar











There is still a lack of information in :Note – Shifa and Indonesian Hospitals-Al


The cumulative report from the beginning of the aggression :Second until 11/21/2023

Numbers of martyrs and their distribution by type and gender


Classification by category

Classification by gender

Cumulat ive martyrs

the hospital

childre n

wome n


Female s



Indones ian







Kamal Adwan









Aqsa-Al martyrs














Europea n



State of Pales+ne
Ministry of Health
Health Emergency Opera+ons Center Center

State of Palestine

Ministry of Health Public Health Emergency Operation







al Najjar










. Numbers of wounded and their distribution


Classification according to severity

Classification by category

Classification by gender

Accumu lation of wounde d

the hospital


Mediu m

Serio us

childr en

wom en


Femal es



Indonesi an










Kamal Adwan







164 0





Aqsa-Al martyrs















7 697












al Najjar














/note –

The numbers in red reflect the last – cumulative number that arrived from the
governorate before the disconnection on



State of Pales+ne
Ministry of Health
Health Emergency Opera+ons Center Center

State of Palestine

Ministry of Health Public Health Emergency Operation

The number of missing people so far is – 6,000, including 4,000 children and

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Kidnap of Shifa doctors/ data on killed and wounded at nov 21

Press by MoH
 [24/11, 12:42] : The most prominent items in the press release issued by the Ministry of Health regarding the arrest of a number of medical personnel by the Israeli occupation:
 We have been informed by the United Nations that there is coordination through the World Health Organization to evacuate those present in the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, which is subject to siege, storming, and destruction by the Israeli occupation forces, and depriving those in it of food, water, medicine, electricity, and security.
 Therefore, a convoy from the United Nations, represented by the World Health Organization, moved yesterday to evacuate some of the patients and medical staff who were subjected within the hospital walls to the most horrific Nazi practices and starvation.
 We were surprised that this convoy was stopped at the occupation checkpoint separating the northern and southern Gaza Strip for about seven hours, during which it was dealt with with extreme violence by the Israeli occupation forces towards the patients, companions, and accompanying medical staff.
 The matter ended with the arrest of a number of them, led by the Director General of the Shifa Complex.  Medical Dr.  Muhammad Abu Salamiya.
 In view of the above, we affirm the following:
 The presence of the UN and their crews, and going out under their banner, deceived our medical teams and made them trust their coordination to evacuate the wounded and medical teams.
 The Israeli occupation bears full responsibility for the lives and safety of detained colleagues.
 The United Nations bears full responsibility for this event and we await appropriate and urgent measures on their part to address this.
 The World Health Organization has not yet submitted any report to the Ministry to clarify what happened, including the numbers and names of detainees.
 The inability to communicate with Al-Shifa Medical Complex made us unable to know who was arrested in light of the failure to receive any report from the World Health Organization regarding their numbers and names. This creates the opportunity to liquidate these teams, especially with this criminal enemy.
  The Ministry of Health has decided to completely stop coordination with the World Health Organization on the issue of evacuating the rest of the wounded and medical teams until a report is submitted explaining what happened, and the detainees are released.
[24/11, 12:42] forse: Spokesman for the Ministry of Health: The United Nations informed us that there was coordination through the World Health Organization with Israel to evacuate part of the patients and medical staff from Al-Shifa Hospital, and a convoy from the United Nations moved for this purpose.
 Spokesman for the Ministry of Health: The occupation army stopped the convoy at a checkpoint separating the northern and southern Gaza Strip for seven hours, and the soldiers dealt with extreme violence with the medical staff, the wounded, the sick, and those accompanying them, and the matter ended with the arrest of the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, Muhammad Abu Salamiya.
 Spokesman for the Ministry of Health: The occupation bears full responsibility for the lives and safety of detained colleagues.  The United Nations bears full responsibility for what happened, and we await measures on their part to address this.
 Spokesman for the Ministry of Health: We decided to stop coordination with the World Health Organization until we receive a report on what happened and release all detainees.
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the matter of gas /adalah podcast/ varufakis interview/now hamas HQ are in kanyounes/ the pope/gag and punishement for press reporting october7

The deadly Hamas attack on October 7 resulted in the freezing of the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the only one capable of allowing the establishment of an economic corridor linking the region to Europe via the Israeli ports of Ashkelon and Haifa. A necessary path to no longer depend on Russian fossil fuels. For this, the Palestinian enclave must be under control.

The scene takes place during the G20 summit which was held in New Delhi, India, on September 9 and 10. With a smile on their lips, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announce the launch of a new project that the President of the United States, Joe Biden, hails as “a really big deal” (a very big deal).
This project, called the “Global Infrastructure Investment Partnership”, could, according to its designers, accelerate trade between India and Europe by 40% and help normalize relations between Israel and the Gulf States. , which is one of the essential conditions for its achievement. It is also a competing project with that of the new Silk Roads (Belt and Road Initiative) that China wants to establish. Beijing is trying to connect East Asia and the Middle East to the Mediterranean Sea through Iranian and Iraqi lands and to Syrian ports.

“A game-changing investment”
The deadly Hamas attack on October 7, whatever the purpose and motives, put a stop to this planned partnership. The ongoing normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia, by far the most important, is at a standstill and the question of Palestine, relegated in recent years to the backstage of history, finds itself center stage, to the great dismay of Benyamin Netanyahu, who is totally invested in the project.
Therefore, the initiative publicly announced at the G20 summit sheds new light on the current sequence, the Israeli unleashing against the Gaza Strip and the astonishing support of European countries for this relentlessness, silence or timid action Arab countries.
The plan, with unprecedented geopolitical and geo-economic benefits, supported by the United States and the European Union (EU), aims to build an economic corridor linking India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE ), Jordan, Israel and the EU through seaports and rail routes, with the aim of making trade faster and cheaper and, as officially stated, boosting economic cooperation and digital connectivity In the region.
For Modi, this India-Middle East-Europe economic corridor promises to be “a beacon of cooperation, innovation and common progress”, Biden considers it “a game-changing investment” and von der Leyen describes it as “much more than a simple railway or a cable, it is a green and digital bridge between continents and civilizations”.
Jake Sullivan, the US security adviser, remarked allusively: “We think the project itself is bold and transformative, but the vision behind it is just as bold and transformative, and we will also see it in other parts of the world. » Clearly, this is not just an economic agreement, but a change in global relations that did not come out of a hat.
The same Sullivan revealed that discussions for the project began in July 2022, during Joe Biden’s visit to Riyadh, and that another meeting between Saudi Arabia, the UAE and India took place earlier this year to formalize an agreement. Israel, which does not have diplomatic relations with Riyadh, also participated in the project, as did Jordan.

Eilat, starting point for a new gas pipeline to Europe?
In June 2022, Ursula von der Leyen visited Ukraine, Israel and then Egypt. A journey that could be described as energetic and above all energetic. A trip during which she met, in Cairo, the Egyptian Minister of Oil, Tarek El Moulla, and the Israeli Minister of Energy, Karine Elharrar. The outcome is a tripartite agreement on liquefied gas and infrastructure development to make Egypt a regional gas hub.
“We agreed to work together to transport natural gas from Israel via Egypt, then to the EU,” the President of the European Commission underlined at the time. The stated goal is to free ourselves from Russian fossil fuels. Israeli gas is liquefied in Egypt. How is it transported? Through a little-talked about gas pipeline, the result of an agreement between Cairo and Tel Aviv concluded in 2005. At the time, Egypt exported its gas to Israel.
A gas “pumped via a hundred-kilometer underwater pipeline connecting the Egyptian Mediterranean port of El-Arish to the Israeli city of Ashkelon”, as indicated by the Keys to the Middle East website. A gas pipeline that runs off the coast of the Gaza Strip. “The gas is sold to the East Mediterranean Gas Company (EMG), a consortium of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation, the Israeli Merhav group and the Egyptian businessman Hussein Salem. »
A little publicized agreement which will be criticized in vain, particularly after the intervention of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip in… 2009. Closed temporarily in 2012, this pipeline was put back into service in 2020 but, this time, it is Israeli gas going to Egypt.
During her meetings in June 2022, the President of the European Commission also mentioned a project, that of the construction of a gas pipeline connecting Israeli waters to Europe. This is the EastMed gas pipeline, which the European Commission has deemed a priority within the framework of projects of common interest (PIC) in the field of energy but which would not be put into service before 2028. It would connect the gas
fields Israelis and Cypriots to Greece and then to Italy, crossing the disputed waters between Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. The interest presented by the Israeli port of Eilat, located on the Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea, is thus briefly mentioned. Which would make it a strategic point for energy exports from the Gulf countries to Europe.

An Israeli-Emirati consortium to build a pipeline between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean
On September 22, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the United Nations General Assembly. After saying he was “convinced that we should not give the Palestinians a right of veto over new peace treaties likely to be concluded between Israel and the Arab states”, the head of the far-right Israeli government publicly rejoiced . “At the G20 conference, President Biden, Prime Minister Modi and European and Arab leaders announced a visionary corridor project that will stretch from the Arab Peninsula to Israel. »
Brandishing a map called the “new Middle East”, he then drew a line with a red marker starting from Asia, passing through Israel and ending in Europe. “We will not only remove the barriers between Israel and our neighbors,” he cried. Together we will build a new corridor of peace and prosperity, which will connect Asia to Europe through the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel. It’s an extraordinary change, it’s a monumental change, it’s another turning point in history. » Of the State of Palestine, there is obviously no question of it.
It is therefore a carefully considered puzzle which is being put into place and whose existence is totally conditioned by the Abraham Accords, that is to say the normalization of relations between Israel and a certain number of Arab countries. For the moment, these agreements concern Morocco, Sudan, Bahrain and the UAE.
This is how a memorandum of understanding was signed in October 2020 between the Israeli public company EAPC (Europe Asia Pipeline Company) and the Israeli-Emirati company Med-Red for the transport of oil via an oil pipeline connecting the Red Sea (via the Israeli port of Eilat) to the Mediterranean, at the Israeli port of Ashkelon, about twenty kilometers from the Gaza Strip.
Most of it currently passes through the Suez Canal through maritime tankers. This project will reduce costs and facilitate the transport of larger quantities meeting the growing needs of the European market after its supply of Russian oil and gas was interrupted following the war in Ukraine.
The United Arab Emirates has signed an agreement to build a maritime pipeline linking Israel to Cyprus, Greece and Europe, making Israel a key corridor controlling oil exports from the Gulf to the Old Continent. Which would result in a reduction of Suez Canal revenues by 17%.
To which must be added the project to duplicate the already existing trans-Israeli oil pipeline, crossing Israel for 254 km from Eilat to Ashkelon, which could mean the closure of the Egyptian Sumed oil pipeline (which transports Gulf oil from the port of Ain Sukhna, in the Red Sea, to the port of Sidi Kerir in the Mediterranean).

A secret deal between Israel and the Palestinian authority
This new road would include the drilling of a new canal, called the Ben-Gurion canal. The idea is not new, it dates from the 1960s. But it was revived by Israel at the time of the Abraham Accords. At the origin, we find the US desire not to depend on Egypt, considered too close to Russia, while, according to the US Naval Institute, 12% of world trade passes through the Suez Canal.
In April 2021, Tel Aviv even announced the start of work for June of the same year. A way of rooting the route, particularly in the mind of the American ally. According to the Armstrongeconomics website, part of this canal “would pass precisely through the Gaza Strip. The passage would begin from the port city of Eilat in Israel across the Gulf of Aqaba, via the Jordanian border and the Arabah Valley before entering the Dead Sea and heading north around the Strip of Gaza.”
This canal, unlike that of Suez, would be doubled and could therefore accommodate ships in both directions. It would also be wider and deeper. And it would provide Israel with a strategic option, because the Ben-Gurion Canal will diminish the importance of Suez to the US military. A development which Egypt will find all the more difficult to oppose (the revenues from the Suez Canal, between 6 and 9 billion dollars per year for the Egyptian treasury, will be considerably reduced) as it has renounced its sovereignty over the islands of Tiran and Sanafir for the benefit of Saudi Arabia.
However, these two islands control the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba and therefore access to the ports of Aqaba in Jordan and Eilat in Israel. “This project is not just a logistical improvement, it is a profound affirmation of Israel’s intention to become the linchpin of global maritime trade,” noted the news site on November 7.
We better understand the strategic importance of the Gaza Strip for the construction of the Ben-Gurion Canal. The junction would then take place with the large Israeli port of Haifa, further north, without any competition in the Eastern Mediterranean: the port of Beirut, in Lebanon, was destroyed three years ago and that of Latakia, in Syria, is regularly bombed by Israel. Both from a security and logistical point of view (for the extension of this oil terminal), the north of the Gaza Strip – at a minimum – should not represent any danger.
What better option for this than a territory emptied of its inhabitants? Especially since there are significant gas deposits off the coast of Gaza. Last June, Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he intended to accelerate its exploitation “within the framework of existing agreements between Israel, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority”.
While secret negotiations were underway between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Hamas declared that it would not allow the Israelis to use the Gaza gas field issue as an instrument to reach political and security agreements with ‘other parts.
Israeli relentlessness against the Palestinian enclave, made possible by the deadly Hamas attack, could well find its source in these energy projects with colossal investments. The Gulf countries, the United States and the European Union, which are not making the slightest gesture to force Israel into a ceasefire, are stakeholders. The lives of Palestinians are measured by pipelines.

L’Humanité of November 21, 2023

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IL TERRORE DI ESSERE UNA DONNA INCINTA A GAZA 5.500 donne a Gaza partoriranno in una corsa contro la nascita.


A causa della carenza di forniture mediche, le donne palestinesi incinte sono costrette a guardare il loro ventre aperto e a sentire ogni momento dell’intervento. Sentono e vedono ogni oggetto tagliente che taglia i loro corpi. Molte di queste operazioni vengono eseguite alla luce dei cellulari, mentre gli ospedali tremano a causa dei pesanti bombardamenti israeliani.
*Molte delle donne che partoriscono senza anestesia soffrono già per amputazioni di parti del corpo a causa dei bombardamenti e per molte altre orribili ferite che sono insopportabili. I medici possono fornire loro solo spessi panni da mordere, questo è l’unico metodo disponibile per alleviare il dolore. È difficile comprendere la tortura che stanno subendo.
*Molte delle donne incinte salvate da sotto le macerie riportano ferite mortali alla placenta, che causano la morte immediata del bambino o della madre e, in molti casi, di entrambi.


Il parto non rappresenta la fine dell’emergenza. Molti bambini di Gaza, al momento, nascono prima che siano completate le 37 settimane di gravidanza, il che li rende urgentemente e costantemente bisognosi di incubatrici. A causa del blackout elettrico negli ospedali, molti di questi bambini corrono un imminente pericolo di morte.


Le donne che riescono a raggiungere un centro sanitario vengono rimandate a casa “tre ore dopo il parto” per fare spazio ad altre donne o ai feriti. Senza cibo, acqua pulita, elettricità o carburante per mantenere in funzione incubatrici e unità di terapia intensiva, e con un sistema sanitario “malconcio e sull’orlo del collasso. E non sono solo le donne in procinto di partorire a essere a rischio, molte donne incinte hanno avuto aborti a causa della situazione che divora.

Testo di @adnan.barq
Copertina: Dipinto di Malak Mattar

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program of ethnic cleansing/ flotillia on the go/ BBC on “evidences”/ temporary truce tomorrow?

Let’s Not be Intimidated by the World

Giora Eiland,Yedioth Ahronoth, November 19, 2023

Heading Towards the Collapsing of Hamas:

The debate over Israel’s compliance with international demands to allow entry of fuel into Gaza reflects a fundamental conflict between Israel and the U.S. regarding the correct narrative. According to the American narrative, there are two groups of people in Gaza. One is the Hamas fighters, who are brutal terrorists and must, therefore, die. Most of the people in Gaza belong to a second group, innocent civilians who suffer for no fault of their own. Therefore Israel must not only avoid harming them as much as possible but also act to make their lives easier. The other, and more correct, narrative is as follows: Israel is not fighting a terrorist organization but against the State of Gaza. The State of Gaza is indeed under Hamas leadership, and this organization managed to mobilize all the resources of its state, the support of the majority of its citizens, and the absolute loyalty of its civil administration around Sinwar’s leadership while fully supporting his ideology. In this sense, Gaza is very similar to Nazi Germany, where a similar process also took place. Being that this is the accurate description of the situation, so it is also correct to wage the war accordingly.A war between states is not only won by military combat but also by the ability of one side to break the opposing side’s system, and the economic ability, first and foremost the ability to provide energy, is of the utmost importance. The collapse of Germany at the beginning of 1945 was mainly due to the loss of Romania’s oil fields, and once Germany didn’t have enough fuel for its planes and tanks — the war was won.

Israel must, therefore, not provide the other side with any capability that prolongs its life. Moreover, we tell ourselves that Sinwar is so evil that he does not care if all the residents of Gaza die. Such a presentation is inaccurate since who are the “poor” women of Gaza? They are all the mothers, sisters, or wives of Hamas murderers. On the one hand, they are part of the infrastructure that supports the organization, and on the other hand, if they experience a humanitarian disaster, then it can be assumed that some of the Hamas fighters and the more junior commanders will begin to understand that the war is futile and that it is better to prevent irreversible harm to their families.The way to win the war faster and at a lower cost for us requires a system collapse on the other side and not the mere killing of more Hamas fighters. The international community warns us of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from this, as difficult as that may be. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will bring victory closer and reduce casualties among IDF soldiers. And no, this is not about cruelty for cruelty’s sake since we don’t support the suffering of the other side as an end but as a means. The other side is given the option to end the suffering if they surrender. Sinwar will not surrender, but there is no reason for the Hamas militia commanders in the southern Gaza Strip not to surrender when they have no fuel and no water, and when the epidemics reach them as well, and when the danger to the lives of their women increases. The Israeli cabinet must take a harder line with the Americans and at least have the ability to say the following: as long as all the hostages are not returned to Israel, do not talk to us about the humanitarian aspects.

And yes, we believe that humanitarian pressure is also a legitimate means of increasing the chance of seeing the hostages alive. But we must not, absolutely must not adopt the American narrative that “permits” us to fight only against Hamas fighters instead of doing the right thing — to fight against the entire opposing system because it is precisely its civil collapse that will bring the end of the war closer. When senior Israeli figures tell the media, “It’s either us or them,” we should clarify the question of who is “them.” “They” are not only Hamas fighters with weapons but also all the “civilian” officials, including hospital administrators and school administrators, and also the entire Gaza population that enthusiastically supported Hamas and cheered on its atrocities on October 7.

*Many thanks to Tali

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[HumanRights] Rapist to catch breath “by Mazin Qumsiyeh

Israel continues to deliberately target residential buildings, hospitals,
schools, bakeries, flour mills, water storage facilities and other public
facilities. Butthey will nget to pause occasionally over the next few days
– like a rapist agreeingreluctantlyto take a break occasionally. >6000
children were killed in the pointed genocidal campaign to drive Gazans to
Sinai in order to steal the natural gas off the coast of Gaza. The western
governments are still part ners in the genocide even if they occasionally
start to speak of “unacceptable level of civilian deaths” (sicking language
for an ongoing genocide). Israel killed over 102 UN workers and 65
journalists to prevent the truth from coming out (largest number of
Jouranalistsmurdered in any conflict since WWII). The two wars go on: A war
of ethnic cleansing and genocide which is used to vent and give Israeli
soldiers the psychlogical satisfaction of murdering civilians because they
are losing the other war against the resistance.

There is an exchange of prisoners (as many as 150 Palestinian women and
children will be released from Israeli gulags where they are mistreated) in
exchange for 50 Israeli settlers. This could have been done weeks ago. It
took lots of lobbying from families of the Israeli prisoners to pressure
the fascist government that really did not care about Palestinian or
Israeli lives (they even bombed and burned Israeli civilians on 7 October
see previous message with links and proof).  Also the genocidal regime was
resistanct to having pauses in its genocide (let alone a ceasefore).
Nowthey will have pauses to reload and bomb more civilians. The US/Israel
war on people will continue (and it is a joint war and not just because of
the stream of US weapons- already Five US Delta forces soldiers were killed
in Gaza as well as perhaps 300 Israeli soldiers over 10 days of the grown
invasion). Over 10,000 Palestinian prisoners are still being tortured and
starved in Israeli jails andtheb ethnic cleansing and genocide continues.
But you cannot crush a people fighting for their freedom. Vietnam reduxUN OCHA on day 45 of the aggression against the people of Gaza


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