To the people of Gaza that march for return

We, people, movements, associations that struggle for you to achieve freedom and dignity and satisfy the human right and the needs of your Palestine, write today to honour the people of Gaza, the march of return and share the sorrow for the martyrdom of so many of your people, children, youth and adults.

We, this time, want that our message of solidarity and respect for your just cause reaches you directly through your own journals, so that you know directly that you are heard, respected above and beyond propaganda, disinformation and confusion.

We truly understand that Gaza is struggling for its survival, but its people are also in fact leading the unity for Palestine and that this has been taken in your collective hands, and we assure you that the message has reached out in the world.

In respect and solidarity

Free Gaza for free Palestine


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العزيزات والأعزاء العاملين في وسائل الإعلام المحلية

تحية طيبة وبعد،،،

أرجو نشر وتعميم هذه الرسالة في وسائل إعلامكم الموقرة، وهي عبارة عن رسالة تعبر عن تضامننا ووقوفنا إلى جانب أهل غزة بالنيابة عن اتحادات وحركات وشخصيات في الخارج
نأمل أن تتمكنوا من نشرها يوم 17 في أي وقت يناسبكم

المرفق هو الرسالة باللغة الإنجليزية والعربية والإيطالية
وهي تحمل توقيع 3 مؤسسات وقعت على الفور في الصباح الباكر … سأقوم بتحديث التواقيع التي ستأتي في وقت لاحق.

تقبلوا فائق الاحترام والتقدير


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Alla gente di Gaza che marcia per il ritorno

Noi, le persone, i movimenti, le associazioni che lottano perché la Palestina raggiunga la libertà e la dignità e i diritti umani e le necessità della Palestina siano soddisfatti, scriviamo oggi per onorare la gente di Gaza, la marcia del ritorno e condividere il dolore per il martirio di così molte delle vostre persone, bambini, giovani e adulti.

Noi, questa volta, vogliamo che il nostro messaggio di solidarietà e rispetto per la vostra giusta causa vi raggiunga direttamente attraverso i vostri giornali, in modo che sappiate direttamente che siete ascoltati e rispettati al di sopra e al di là della propaganda, della disinformazione e della confusione.

Comprendiamo veramente che Gaza sta lottando per la sua sopravvivenza, ma il suo popolo sta anche guidando l’unità per la Palestina e che questo scopo è stato preso nelle vostre mani collettive, e vi assicuriamo che il messaggio ha raggiunto il mondo.

Nel rispetto e nella solidarietà

Gaza libera è la Palestina libera


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First signatories:

The Brussells Tribunal, Belgium
Agostinelli Mario president Energiafelice, Italy
Alkemia Laboratori Multimediali – Modena – Italia
Associazione di amicizia italo palestinese onlus di Firenze, Italy
Attac Savona, Italy
Belgian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
Call for Gaza Children, Genova, Italy
CAPJPO-Europalestine (France)
Casa dei Circoli, Culture e Popoli di Ceriale, Savona Italy
Centro Memorial Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. la Habana Cuba
Comitato Savonese Acqua Bene Comune, Italy
Coordinamento Lombardo Palestina, Italy
Cultura e libertà, ass. Italy
David Halpin, UK
Dominique Willaert (artist – Belgium)
Enrico Campofreda giornalista
Flora Cappelluti
Fuori confine, Italy
Gianni Tognoni, Istituto Mario Negri e Tribunale dei popoli Lelio Basso, Italy
Heather Stroud, UK
IFE Italia (, Italy
Il centro di Solidarietà Internazionalista Alta Maremma, Italy
Invictapalestina – centro di documentazione su Palestina e Medioriente, Italy
Ireo Bono-Italy
National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training- Beyt Atfal Assumoud, Lebanon
Nicoletta Pirotta, Italy
NWRG-onlus. Italy
Parallelo Palestina, Italy
Rete ECO., Italy
Rete Romana di Solidarietà con il Popolo Palestinese, Italy
Roberto Melone, Italy
Salaam ragazzi dell’olivo -Milano-Onlus
Tadhamun, Iraqi Women Solidarity
Association belgo palestinienne
British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP), UK
Diensten Onderzoek Centrum Palestina (DocP), NL (Nederland)
Salaam ragazzi dell’olivo comitato di Trieste
Gruppo Ibriq per la cultura e la causa palestinese
Gibanje za pravice Palestincev, Slovenia
Ludo De Brabander, spokesperson Vrede vzw, Belgium




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